Alignment Insight

What is Alignment?

It’s talked about with terms like:

trusted advisor          shared vision

skin in the game            virtual supply chain

shared risk / reward              cross-goaling

Keiretsu ……… mutual success / failure

a common enemy        virtual company

integrated supply chain         common goals

With any of these terms, alignment is what’s happening to the relationships between individuals and between organizations.

You can probably think back to a time when you’ve been in a team that was well aligned.  It feels great.  Its productive, fun, challenging and exciting.  Why doesn’t it happen more often?  Why does it seem so hard to achieve in relationships between organizations or companies?

Why Alignment Insight?

Major improvements don’t come from working harder or execution refinements.

Changing the game . . .   Taking it to the next level . . .   Creating sustainable differentiation . . .

. . . all require leaps forward based on strategic insight.

It isn’t lightning that strikes unpredictably or a mystical art practiced by those with some secret knowledge.  Its grounded in the hard work of relentless innovation.

Alignment Insight explores the steps which can predictably achieve insights that can transform your organization and your business relationships to create greater alignment.

Rick Gage is the Founder and President of Alignment Insight.