Me – in one sentence

One of the exercises I’ve done in work to explore my personal brand was to capture my unique promise of value in a single sentence.  This relates primarily to my professional life but as discussed in other posts here – personal and work lives seem to merge as I get older.

It was hard to do.   And my sentence is probably too long.   It’s still a work in progress, but here the current draft:

I embrace the global challenge of sustainable value creation through differentiated alignment insights.

It’s long, like many mission statements for organizations, because I want to pack it with a bunch of things that are important to me.  Here are some of the chunks of stuff that found their way into that mouthful. Read the rest of this entry »

I am driven to make a difference

Throughout my life I’ve been drawn to heroic books and movies.

While maturity has brought greater appreciation for the more subtle heroism of a well lived life, I have a fire in my belly to make a difference.

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What I am and am not

I’ve long believed that to have clarity about what you are as an individual or organization you must be clear about what you are NOT.    We can’t really say “yes” to anything without saying “no” to something.

Here are a few thoughts about what I am and what I am not:

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