The false assumption of scarcity

What if there is enough for everyone?

We seem to be wired to make the assumption of scarcity – that there is not enough for everyone, so we have to make sure that we get our share.  The primitive part of our brain experiences some level of fear and we clench.  Life becomes a game of musical chairs – don’t let go of the seat you’ve got until you’re sure that the next one is open and you’re sure that you can beat Aunt Sally to it.

What if life is less like musical chairs and more like the rest of the party?

There are lots of chairs and lots of people.  True, the supply of chairs is finite – and the number of chairs may be less than the number of guests at the party.  But when we’re not worried about being able to find a chair, there are always enough to go around because at any given moment some of the party guests don’t want to sit.  They’re at the buffet, standing to talk, dancing or something else.  Everyone relaxes and no one worries about chairs.

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