A friend in a hard time . . . is a friend for a long time

Times of hardship are when we form some of our deepest, longest lasting relationships.  When we are feeling vulnerable we are open in different ways than when we’re secure and our defenses are up.  In change management terms, hard times can “unfreeze” us – open us to change.

And with change comes opportunity for those who see it.  Now is exactly the time to build deeper relationships with your current customers.  Go to them – before they come to you.  Ask them what you can do to help them with the pressures they are feeling in this downturn.  Just asking may well set you apart from many of your competitors.

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Develop a Local Brand

There are a set of roles which are focused on developing the relationships between two or more organizations.  People with these roles go by titles such as:

Account Manager      Alliance Manager

Client Services Director

Department Liaison      Partner Manager

Business Development Manager

Point of Contact       Channel Manager

With any of these roles, sustainable success is rooted in alignment.  Developing a local brand can help align organizations more quickly and deeply.  “Local” in this case isn’t about geography.  It’s about the subset of your total organization which is relevant to the relationship.  Local might be people in 50 countries all working together to provide an integrated service.

A local brand is rooted in a clear understanding of the real strengths and weaknesses of your organization as it faces off with the organization you’ve targeted.   It is connected to the big brand of your company – the one developed by the marketing geniuses at corporate and costing millions of dollars.  But is adapted for what is relevant for the scope of relationships you’ve targeted for development.

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I am driven to make a difference

Throughout my life I’ve been drawn to heroic books and movies.

While maturity has brought greater appreciation for the more subtle heroism of a well lived life, I have a fire in my belly to make a difference.

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What I am and am not

I’ve long believed that to have clarity about what you are as an individual or organization you must be clear about what you are NOT.    We can’t really say “yes” to anything without saying “no” to something.

Here are a few thoughts about what I am and what I am not:

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LinkedIn Feedback from Colleagues

Current and former colleagues have endorsed me at LinkedIn with comments such as:

. . . incredibly intelligent and has a tremendous ability to steer through difficult circumstances while staying cool under fire.

. . . a true “outside of the box” thinker and leader. He possesses a unique intellect that stands out in any situation.

. . . an energetic and creative sales leader with deep business acumen and insightful knack for creating high value solution offerings to meet sophisticated customer needs

. . . he was the best manager I’ve had.   He is honest, credible, and intelligent. Our customers adored him and so did the team.

. . . stood toe-to-toe with the best and brightest minds at Oracle, able to quickly grasp complex technologies and leverage that expertise across the spectrum of selling, engaging, delivering, managing, and supporting.

. . . widely recognized as one of the thought leaders in the organization and was frequently called upon to help paint the picture for the clients on how revolutionary technology applied to their specific situation.

View Rick Gage's profile on LinkedIn