Me – in one sentence

One of the exercises I’ve done in work to explore my personal brand was to capture my unique promise of value in a single sentence.  This relates primarily to my professional life but as discussed in other posts here – personal and work lives seem to merge as I get older.

It was hard to do.   And my sentence is probably too long.   It’s still a work in progress, but here the current draft:

I embrace the global challenge of sustainable value creation through differentiated alignment insights.

It’s long, like many mission statements for organizations, because I want to pack it with a bunch of things that are important to me.  Here are some of the chunks of stuff that found their way into that mouthful. Read the rest of this entry »

In a down economy, do we isolate or build community?

This is the central question for all of us in the next few months.

We face this choice as communities and nations.

Each year the World Economic Forum brings together business, political and other leaders for a late January conference in Davos, Switzerland.  The 2009 forum’s website has webcasts of the various sessions which can be downloaded.   More about the forum in another post in which I’ll share some of the sessions I found particularly interesting.

One of the themes which emerged from the Forum this year is concern that in the face of the global downturn there will be a rise of economic nationalism and protectionism.  The evidence that free trade grows the global economy is now pretty clear.  While there may be winners and losers for a period of time, the expansion of the global economy provides opportunities for all parts of the world to improve the standard of living of their people.  This has been called the virtuous cycle.  Expansion in ever widening circles as we open ourselves to the greater interdependence of a global economy.

It follows then, that when free trade is restricted, global growth slows making it harder and harder for any part of the world to enjoy a better life.  This vicious cycle spirals inward in ever decreasing circles of less and less for everyone.

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